Order Status

All order status updates and tracking can be viewed by selecting the “Account” button in the upper right side of our site. If the part is in stock, please allow 1 to 2 business days after placing the order for the status to be updated, especially during the busy season. If you have placed a special order for a non-inventory part, processing time varies on the vendor and time of year. Most special orders have a minimum processing time of 4 to 6 weeks. Since these parts are being brought in from the manufacturer, we cannot control the time frame in which they arrive. If you would like to check the status of a special order, please contact us via our contact form for an ETA.

In order to limit processing time and ship orders out as fast as possible, we have a very short cancellation period. If the order has been processed and sent to the warehouse for packaging or has shipped, it cannot be canceled. Please call us at 530-622-2056 as soon as possible to edit your order.

If your order was never delivered, is missing parts or a part is incomplete, please check the “Account” button in the upper right side of our site. Be sure that the order has indeed shipped and use the tracking number to confirm with the carrier that it was delivered. If your package(s) show a status of “delivered”, please contact us for further assistance.